Painting crystal and flowers in watercolorc / Susanna Spann
Spann, Susanna
Painting crystal and flowers in watercolorc / Susanna Spann - Cincinnati, OH : North Light Books , 2001 - 125 p. : illus. ; 29 cm.
Includes index.
Imbue your paintings with these qualities and more by capturing the unmatched beauty of crystal and flowers in watercolor. Spann shares her techniques through mini demos, instructional art and a complete painting demonstration that cover everything from value and texture to composition and color.
Watercolor painting
Painting crystal and flowers
751.422 SPA
Painting crystal and flowers in watercolorc / Susanna Spann - Cincinnati, OH : North Light Books , 2001 - 125 p. : illus. ; 29 cm.
Includes index.
Imbue your paintings with these qualities and more by capturing the unmatched beauty of crystal and flowers in watercolor. Spann shares her techniques through mini demos, instructional art and a complete painting demonstration that cover everything from value and texture to composition and color.
Watercolor painting
Painting crystal and flowers
751.422 SPA