Mexican art masterpieces

Burke, Marcus

Mexican art masterpieces / Marcus B Burke - New York : Hugh Lauter Levin Associates , 1998 - 119 p. : illus. ; 32 cm

Prehispanic. Figure of a Man ("The Wrestler"). Jade Mask with Necklace. "Smiling Figure" Funerary Figure. Shield Jaguar and Lady Xoc. Flanged Cylinder with the Jaguar God of the Underworld. Head, from the Tomb of the Temple of the Inscriptions, Palenque, Tabasco. Mixtec Shield Brooch. Piedra del Sol (Aztec "Calendar"). Coatlicue. Quetzalcoatl. Feather Headdress -- Viceregal (Colonial). Tlaloc, from the Codex Ixtlilxochitl. The Mass of Saint Gregory the Great. Baltasar de Echave Orio, Saint Francis in La Portiuncula. Luis Juarez, The Marriage of the Virgin (Los Desposorios de la Virgen). Fray Alonso Lopez de Herrera, Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata. Jose Juarez, The Adoration of the Magi. San Felipe de Jesus. Juan Correa, The Meeting of Cortes and Moctezuma. Monstrance. Vase. Miguel de Cabrera, Dona Maria de la Luz Padilla Y (Gomez De) Cervantes -- Nineteenth Century. Rafael Jimeno y Planes, The Sculptor Manuel Tolsa. Jose Maria Estrada, The Dead Poet (Don Francisco Torres). Jose Maria Obregon, The Discovery of Pulque. Hermenegildo Bustos, Still Life with Watermelon. Jose Maria Velasco, The Valley of Mexico -- Twentieth Century. Saturnino Herran, Our Gods. Dr. Atl, Paracutin. Diego Rivera, Zapatista Landscape. Diego Rivera, Detroit Industry, South Wall. Diego Rivera, Dance at Tehuantepec. Jose Clemente Orozco, The Barricade. Jose Clemente Orozco, Hispano-America, panel 16 from The Epic of American Civilization. Juan O'Gorman, Padre Hidalgo, from the Retablo de la Independencia. David Alfaro Siqueiros, Echo of a Scream. David Alfaro Siqueiros, Nuestra Imagen Actual (Our Image at Present). Frida Kahlo, Frieda and Diego Rivera. Frida Kahlo, The Two Fridas. Frida Kahlo, Self-Portrait with Monkey. Rufino Tamayo, The Flautist. Antonio M. Ruiz, The Bicycle Race, Texcoco. Maria Izquierdo, Family Portrait (My Nieces). Carlos Merida, La Dadiva. Gunther Gerzso, Green-Blue-White-Red. Francisco Toledo, The Angry Cat. Nahum Zenil, Ex voto (Self-Portrait with the Virgin of Guadalupe).

Provides color photographs and descriptions of forty-eight works of Mexican art, arranged chronologically over the course of 3,500 years, from 1500 B.C. to 1987.



Rivera, Diego (1886-1957)
Orozco, José Clemente (1883-1949)

Art, Mexican

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