Sun, stone, and shadows : 20 great Mexican short stories / edited by Jorge F. Hernandez - 1st. ed. in English (FCE) - Mexico : Fondo de Cultura Económica/Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas : Tezontle , 2008 - 243 p. ; 23 cm.

Translation of: Sol, piedra y sombras : veinte cuentistas mexicanos de la primera mitad del siglo XX.

My life with the wave / Octavio Paz -- Chac-Mool / Carlos Fuentes -- History according to Pao Cheng / Salvador Elizondo -- Night of Margaret Rose / Francisco Tario -- Mist / Juan de la Cabada -- Little doe / JoseŽ Revueltas -- Medicine man / Francisco Rojas GonzaŽlez -- Blame the Tlaxcaltecs / Elena Garro -- Dinner / Alfonso Reyes -- Tell them not to kill me! / Juan Rulfo -- Carnival of the bullets / MartiŽn Luis GuzmaŽn -- Permission granted / Edmundo ValadeŽs -- Shunammite / IneŽs Arredondo -- Cooking lesson / Rosario Castellanos -- Tachas / EfreŽn HernaŽndez -- What became of Pampa Hash / Jorge Ibargušengoitia -- Switchman / Juan JoseŽ Arreola -- Square / Juan GarciŽa Ponce -- Panther / Sergio Pitol -- August afternoon / JoseŽ Emilio Pacheco

Translated from the Spanish to English.


Short stories, Mexican----Translations into English
Mexican fiction----20th century

Short stories