Diaz, Sonia

The move to Mexico bible / Sonia Diaz /Beverley Wood - Orlando, FL : White dog Publishing , 2022, c2018 - 264 p. ; 23 cm - San Miguel de Allende - authors .

Located in the Gloria Grant room - special collection of San Miguel Allende authors.

o, you’re thinking about trying out Mexico? Good for you. Where will you live? Mexico is a big country—living in Tulum is nothing like living in Mexico City and neither is anything like living in Puerto Vallarta. The food is different, the culture is different, the weather is different. It’s an incredible country with many unique living experiences to choose from.And there are other questions. What will you do for medical insurance? Will you be bringing your vehicle and pets? Are you allowed to own property in Mexico? How do you handle paying utilities? Can you transfer money online easily? How long can you stay? Will you have to pay taxes? Do you have enough money to live there?The Move to Mexico Bible takes a look at 33 different cities and towns—from expat populations to climate and conveniences.



Moving to Mexico

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