Franco, Betsy

Quiet elegance : Japan through the eyes of nine American artists / Betsy Franco ; Michael Verne - First edition - Boston : Charles E. Tuttle Co. , 1997 - 113 p. : illus. ; 31 cm

Introducing the work of nine American artists who have all honed and tempered their craft in an intense encounter with Eastern culture. In nine individual essays, the authors reveal the experiences that formed these artists - the years of study with Japanese masters, the effect of an ancient culture on their perceptions, and their willingness to break with tradition and try new forms. Daniel Kelly's prints show us a true melding of Japanese object and Western eye. Karyn Young studied Kasuri weaving and kimono stencil dyeing, which are now elements of her colorful kimono prints.



Art, American---Japan
Expatriate artists---Japan
Art, Modern---20th century


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