Fried, Johannes

The Middle Ages / Johannes Fried - Cambridge, MA : Belknap Press , 2015 - 580 p. : illus. ; 25 cm

Biography and index included

1. Boethius and the Rise of Europe -- 2. Gregory the Great and the New Power of the Franks -- 3. Charlemagne and the First Renewal of the Roman Empire -- 4. Consolidation of the Kingdoms -- 5. The End of Days Draws Menacingly Close -- 6. "The True Emperor Is the Pope" -- 7. The Long Century of Papal Schisms -- 8. The Vicar of God -- 9. The Triumph of Jurisprudence -- 10. The Light of Reason -- 11. The Monarchy -- 12. Waiting for Judgment Day and the Renaissance -- Epilogue: The Dark Middle Ages?

Johannes Fried gives us a Middle Ages full of people encountering the unfamiliar, grappling with new ideas, redefining power, and interacting with different societies - an era characterized by continuities and discontinuities, the vibrant expansion of knowledge, and an understanding of the growing complexity of the world.

Translated from the German to English


Civilization, Medieval


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