Galloway, Scott

Post corona : from crisis to opportunity / Scott Galloway - USA : Penguin , 2020 - 229 p. : illus. ; 22 cm

Part 1. COVID & the culling. The culling of the herd : the strong get (much) stronger ; Surviving the culling : cash is king ; Crisis management 101 ; The Covid gangster move : variable cost structures ; The great dispersion ; The brand age gives way to the product age ; Red and blue -- Part 2. The four. The power of bigness/the monoloy algorithm/featurization ; Bigger tech, bigger problems ; The curse of big numbers ; Amazon ; Apple ; Mad men 2.0 : Google and Facebook -- Part 3. Other disruptors. The disruptability index ; The burning of the unicorn barn ; When the smoke clears -- Part 4. Higher education. Ripe for disruption ; The crisis is upon us ; The road ahead ; Recommendations -- Part 5. The commonwealth. Capitlalism, our comorbidities, and the coronavirus ; Capitalism on the way up, socialism on the way down = cronyism ; Cronyism and ineuality ; The new caste system ; The exploitation economy ; Take government seriously ; Tradgedy of the commons ; What we must do.

Scott Galloway argues, the pandemic has not been a change agent so much as an accelerant of trends already well underway. In Post Corona, he outlines the contours of the crisis and the opportunities that lie ahead. Some businesses, like the powerful tech monopolies, will thrive as a result of the disruption. Other industries, like higher education, will struggle to maintain a value proposition that no longer makes sense when we can't stand shoulder to shoulder. And the pandemic has accelerated deeper trends in government and society, exposing a widening gap between our vision of America as a land of opportunity, and the troubling realities of our declining wellbeing.



COVID-19 (Disease)---Economic aspects
COVID-19 (Disease)---Social aspects
Economic development

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