Traven, B.

Government / B. Traven - New York : Allison & Busby , 1980, c1971 - 231 p. ; 20 cm - Government is the first of the six novels that comprise the series "The Jungle Novels" .

Depicting the political corruption that infected even the smallest villages in Mexico, the novel tells the story of Don Gabriel, a minor government functionary who has a virtual license to steal from the Indian village where he is secretar - except that the Indians have nothing to steal. By chance he finds an opportunity in the labor agent business, shanghaiing luckless Indians into debt-slavery so that he can ship them off to work in the great mahogany plantations owned by foreign capital. The novel reaches a moving climax in a clash of cultures between the simple dignity of the illiterate Indians and the cynicism and corruption of the politicians and petty bureaucrats.



Political corruption----Fiction

Mexico ----Fiction